Thursday, April 2, 2009

Stunt Kite Flying again

As a child I used to love flying my yellow stunt kite. I have no idea what kind of stunt kite it was. All I remember is that flying my stunt kite was fun!

I must have been about 10 years old at the time. None of my friends were particularly interested in flying kites. So I would head off on my own to the park near my house and just have fun on my own flying my stunt kite.

Other times my dad would take me to a nearby beach and I would race off to the wet sand and fly my kite right next to the sea.

Perhaps the reason I have suddenly remembered the fun I used to have flying stunt kites is because my own son is growing up. He's still only 2 years old but when he gets a little older, flying stunt kites together is something we can both enjoy.

When we were at the park last weekend we saw a man with his daughter flying a single line kite. My son found that impressive. I'm thinking, wait till he sees what we can do with our own stunt kite!

I don't know of any kite shops near where I live. So decided that searching on the internet for somewhere to buy a new stunt kite was the easiest option. It was pleasing to see that entry level stunt kites are reasonably priced.

For my first kite in over 20 years I decided to go for a yellow Prism Nexus stunt kite. At $59 it seemed like a good deal and I was able to choose yellow which reminded me of my previous stunt kite from my childhood.

I think it will still be a while before it arrives as the kite shop I ordered from was closing for a spring vacation.

In the meantime I have been on the lookout for the perfect stunt kite flying location in my area. There is a lot of open space nearby but trees, powerlines or a building spoil what would otherwise be excellent kite flying spots.

The good news is that as summer approaches it will soon be perfect beach weather. Once it arrives, that is my plan. Get down to the beach with my new stunt kite!

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